Of course, the field of the input and output in investment activity is more extensive than that of economics. 但此处的投资活动所得和所费比经济学中的投入与产出在范畴上要广泛的多。
Connected with the input and output, it also discusses the conditions of exploration, development, construction, resources capacity and synthetical economics. 联系投入产出,研究了勘探、开发、建设、资源能力、综合经济等状况,建立了参数体系和一套数学模型,研制了专用软件。
Because the problem of financing efficiency is a complex system of more input and more output, as a rigorous theorem in mathematics, DEA method proves the equivalence of the Pareto validity in economics. And this method can practically reflect the enterprises capital validity. 由于融资效率问题是一个多投入与多产出的复杂系统,DEA以数学上严密的定理形式,证明与经济学的Pareto有效性等价,运用此方法能更切合实际的反映企业资金的有效性。